Monday, March 30, 2009

The first day of the next eight months

I've successfully arrived in Antofagasta. I have so much to say about everything that I feel like I need an epic post to do so. So all I will say for the moment is that my situation here is good and even better than expected. I've met my host family and like them and have met some students and think I might be able to survive them


  1. come to think of it more...8 months is definitely doable...

  2. hey paul! i'm so enjoying your updates... keep it up.

    also, i was looking at your pictures, and i think i recognize one of the guys who was in your orientation. the picture of the guy who was eating ice cream, is his name joe?

  3. Hey, it is Joe ... and he's from the University of Oregon

    definitely hung out with the hippies Kate

  4. haha, that is totally insane that i know someone in your program! joe probably doesn't remember me, but you should tell him i recognized him anyways. do you think you'll talk with the people you did orientation with? are any of them in antofagasta?

  5. There are currently 7 volunteers up here in Antofagasta (Joe isn't one of them I believe he is down in Patagonia). I'll definitely see all the people from orientation at the end of the program and I might hang out with some before then ... perhaps over winter break.
