Monday, November 2, 2009

Reggaeton everywhere

So I have many things I could and should write about Halloween, strikes, succesful lesson plans, personal life, school stuff, but for now I have time just to write about the competition that just occurred at my school which I was asked to be a judge for (at the last minute of course).

Today begins spring week and it started of with a competition between the grades. The first contest was a halloween costume with each grade featuring a boy a girl dressed up to the theme of Chuckie, Exorcist, Frankenstein, or Dracula. After showing off their costumes, the contest randomly had them dance to Reggaeton. It was very silly especially when one of the boy's jumped up on the judge's table as if it was a stage to dance. Afterwards, was a race where each grade had to move an apple mouth to mouth to each student. Then was a contest of which student could eat spicy foods without showing any emotion. Tomorrow the competition will continue with a Michael Jackson dance impression contest.

All in all it was a lot of fun and very Chilean (whatever that means). I was very impressed that students managed to run the whole thing without problems and only medium wait times.

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