Thursday, April 30, 2009

The 2 Week School Anniversary Celebration

Is almost over .... 

This is both good and bad news ... On one hand my will finaly have everybody in them so I can give students assignments and expect all the students to have completed them. Additionally, I won't have my class room disturbed from the noises of students practicing their song and dance routines outside. On the other hand, I will finally have to work a full five day work week and I won't have classes randomly canceled as happened to my first class today and my last class yesterday. 

Tonight, there is a big dinner/party for all of the teachers in which my suit will get its second wearing. Yesterday, was pajama and costume day which ended with a student party at the school. During the pajama and costume day, the students competed in contests such as musical chairs and races that involved students spinning in circles before running and popping a balloon by sitting on it. The two days before that every grade presented a dance ... most of the songs were American songs such as the "boots with the fur" song, swing music from the 50's and "candy shop."

Last friday, was a field day where all the students went to a park and did a number of contests, including soccer, water volleyball, how long can one student lift three other students, egg toss and how many students can we stuff into a tent (the winner had 24 students). The event ended with the longest largest water balloon fight I've ever seen in which I got drenched. 

Other days have included police day where the middle schoolers sang a song about the police, day of culture where students displayed their art projects, and a song competition in which the winner sang smoke over water. 

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