Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Packages make everyone's day

Thank you all my friends who helped with putting together my birthday package. It made my day/week. It arrived this friday and I was able to open it on Saturday. The timing was perfect also ... I had just returned to house feeling sick after my trip to Tal Tal and said hi host family, I'm feeling sick host family, goodnight host family and they all said but you can't go to sleep you have a package. So instead of feeling sick in bed Saturday night doing nothing, I was able to distract myself with episodes of weeds devouring reese peanut butter cups (I've almost finished the bag).

Anyways thank you everyone!


  1. haha. the peanut butter theme continues. there was supposed to be magazines but alas not everything could fit for their fateful journey across the vast lands to you.

  2. oh hope you are feeling better.
