" the strike is the result of a bonus that teachers throughout the country were promised last year during a renegotiation of their contracts. The government claims that it sent the bonus money out to the municipalities to be distributed to the teachers, but apparently the municipalities spent the money on other things without passing it along to the intended recipients."
Unfortunately, I still have school and classes because I work at semi-private school which has a different contract and I believe receive better pay, but other volunteers have had the days off. The interesting thing is that I haven't seen any stories about it on the television news ... not that I watch all that much news, but in the past couple of days I have seen news stories about a 3 and a half foot mom and a story about a family getting gastric by pass surgeries.
Rumor is that the strike will end Wednesday or Thursday this week.
Hi Paul, I just googled the strike in Chile because I am about to start volunteering with english opens doors--what exactly is the situation like for volunteers because of the strike? I will be in Parral in the Maule region, any idea what things are like there?
I was a little jealous of the volunteers who were at schools that were striking because that go to lay around all day and explore the area. I know that the strike has ended in Antofagasta and believe thats true for the rest of the country but do not that for sure. I am afraid I can't give you any news on the local conditions of Parral or the Maule region .... I'm not even sure where in Chile that is. Sorry.